Monday, July 28, 2008


Thank you for never leaving me even when I was running as far and fast as I could,
Thank you for letting me choose my own path, even when it turned out a disaster.
Thank you for allowing me to experience such sorrow that for a while crippled me
Thank you for letting me wallow in my own humanity, only to clean me up and watch me do it again (and again)
Thank you for reminding me, that it is not me who is holding on to you, but that you are holding on to me.
My arms are not strong enough to hold on when so much is pulling at me feet, My heart is not wise enough to not want the things that destroy me.


Simplifying me said...

Thanks for sharing your heart....

God is great! Life is consuming.

HE will carry us even when we don't want Him to.

Kara said...

That really touched me...I needed it today! Thanks!