Thursday, July 10, 2008

Run, Running, Ran

Just got back from the gym, I started interval training this week in an attempt to increase my speed. I chase down the release that comes from working out. For me it is an huge stress reliever. Yesterday, I caught my Liam hanging on the fireplace mantle (for the 550th time) He got busted and I said "what do you think I am going to say right now" He looked a little dazed but I could tell he was really thinking. So, I repeated it for him "So, What do you think I am going to say" he looked at me and said "Booty" you are going to say Booty. He was wrong.

1 comment:

Simplifying me said...

I'm thinking raising boys is wayyyyy different from girls. In either case since he likes the mantel so much maybe u can use him as a Christmas stocking. By the time Santa arrives I'm thinking he will he so tired of hanging there there won't be that same pull to hang around. :)