Thursday, July 17, 2008

Walk with me.

My new found blogging buddy, Heidi is crawling a tough path right now. Her road is stirring reflections in me. What do you do when the person you loved with, dreamed with and stood hand in hand, while the firing squad loaded the guns, is no longer on your left. Imagine being the object of ridicule, with tons of people waiting and most likely rejoicing over your loss. Put yourself in the place of the person standing there bleeding, with open sores just looking for a place to feel safe. What could you say to that person that would help in the least? I can't think of a single syllable that would ease that kind of suffering. I would like to paint a picture of what I would like to be to others. A silent walking partner, that follows in the distance, ready to pick you up, dust you off and continue following behind to make sure you get where your want to go safely. I won't tell you what direction to take or how to get there. I wouldn't possibly consider telling you how I got there last time. So, look behind you and you will see me.

1 comment:

Simplifying me said...

Wow....that just took twenty pounds off my shoulders. Thank you for caring for me clear on the other side of the country. If I ever see you behind me I just may give you a big hug... ok I would. You have stood next to me, a stranger, but a sister through Christ. That's what grace is. Your a grace giver, plain and simple.