Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Skin Crawl

Here is the mouse story:

We had a mouse. I hate mice. I wanted to kill it. I found droppings on the counter. The counter, the place I prepare food for my family. To the everyday person this would be bad enough. For the person, like myself, who has made a career out of food service inspections, this was enough to make me insane. You see- mice can't hold their bladders....ever. They urinate as they walk. So when you see droppings you can be sure they have urinated a trail. (there just aren't enough adjectives to describe how I feel about this). I, being the freak that I am, cleaned a sanitized everything and then put all eating paraphernalia away in the fridge and microwave and plastic tubs. I was down to two pan lids, I filled up the sink put the bleach in. Pretty confident the mouse would not have access to the pans. We set traps, a little mine field. In the morning the traps were still set, I knew a mouse would not just disappear so I assumed we scared him off. I reached in the sink to let the bleach out and I felt a bump on my wrist. That's right kids, the mouse had fallen in the bleach water and had touched my arm. A bloated mouse corpse
No need to thank me.

1 comment:

Simplifying me said...

OOOOOOOO floating mice in the bleach trick. That is always a party hit when entertaining for the guests.
ewww ewww ewwwwwww. Glad you caught the lil bugger.