Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Big hats and blowing noses

I wouldn't call the swearing in of our president that entertaining. Although I can appreciate the significance of the moment, I can really appreciate the following:

Aretha's Hat- An Aretha present all wrapped up with a pretty bow.

Reporters: Resort to cliche's: A new sheriff in town is but one journalistic gold nugget they used yesterday, but they say it with such flair, they almost make you believe that they just made it up themselves and if it doesn't garner comments from their reporter friends they will used it again, and again. Like a circus monkey waiting for applause.

Flag Hats: I saw quite a few audience members on the lawn with flags stuck to both sides of their hats. Nothing says importance like patriotic paraphernalia glued to the side of a hat.

People will sit for hours and watch other people get in and out of cars and climb up and down the stairs.

The actual swearing in is rather quick and anti-climatic. I wanted tears from someone, I got nothing. I did however get to see George Sr, blow his nose, which pretty looked the same way I blow mine, so again nothing exciting.

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