Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Project #1,

Find the camera. My camera has gone MIA, I know one little boy who probably has first hand knowledge of its whereabouts but is refusing to talk. I have to take total responsibility for that because I didn't put it back where........This leads me to project #1, Clean out the closets, add some more containers, label them. I think I might be able to keep track of my stuff. A major victory this week, I have cooked every night since Sunday. This is a big deal for me. I finally figured out that the reason I did not like to cook every night was the clean up. Now my husband and oldest son take care of that. Happy days for me. We have been in the process of remodeling our house since we moved in (3 years ago). I am pleased to announce that we are almost done with the tile project in the basement and the recess lighting is going as planned, soon the family room will return to the family room and the basement will be a full fledged play area. I refuse to take the boys down there until the bug guy can come and prevent any little critters from being down there. In Kentucky, we have these huge crickets (called cave crickets) they don't make any noise but they can jump very high. I have seen one downstairs and haven't been the same since.

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