Wednesday, August 27, 2008

the genius of teletubbies

Obama will accept the nomination tomorrow. Is there another way that this was going to go? Is anyone confused and in suspense about his decision. Are there little democrats glued to the recliners, just waiting. What if he says....maybe? I think they should take a lesson from the the teletubby play book. You see, when they want to rehash something, they shout again, again and the story that just played, starts up. It is clever, I mean it fills time, doesn't cost extra money to make and the kids like it. So I say, they should just replay the past weeks when Big O said, I have won the nomination, I want to be president, that's a yes isn't it? What if Hillary refused to accept he has won and delivers her own acceptance speech, who would tell her. That's when he could shout again, again and she could watch. Problem solved, thanks teletubbies.

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