Tuesday, August 26, 2008


My husband's car would not start this morning. GRRRR. I was grumpy because I know what my day has now turned into. We will have to load up the whole family, drop my son off at school, then drop my husband off at work, then come home. At 2:30, I will pick up my son, come back home for 1 1/2 hours then load two kids back into my chariot and pick Craig back up from work. In between, I will call AAA, they will tow his car, I will wait for the garage to call. BUT, as I am dropping off my 5 year old at school, Craig gets out of the car to walk him in. Just as they reach the door, I hear my little guy tell his dad to walk behind him because he is learning the way. In one of the rare moments of clarity, I understand that our purpose as parents is to walk with our children until they ask us to walk behind them and follow. Is there any higher purpose in life? Is there any greater reward than the moment when they ask us to follow. I don't think so.

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