Friday, June 20, 2008

More to kill

I bought some more plants yesterday. I don't know why, I am not good with flowers, Have never been good with flowers and I'm pretty sure one day the trees are going to fall on me out of spite. I want to apologize to mother nature right now. I think I'm a serial killer, I can't stop, I need a plant fix. They look so good. I will take a pic and post it. A before and after shot. They should create a department of plant services, to investigate plant abuse and remove the plants from homes like mine. I'm off to drive on some grass.

1 comment:

Simplifying me said...

You go are only keeping the plant industry in business. They strive on people like you. I use to think I had a green thumb til recently. I have 28 avocado trees and not one is producing fruit. Gotta feel good about that. Almost ready to mow them down and rent the back out to those who want to store their crap anywhere but at their own house.
Not as pretty as trees. I'll wait.