Tuesday, May 20, 2008


Hold on to your seats while I digress into a little verbal tantrum. I have read 5 different blogs (other than mine) today and there will inevitably be one of these "I thank God for the wisdom he has given you" sort of comment. Please let me say from where I am sitting, wisdom is a sanitized word for knowledge of failure. People are not just magically or mystically given a dose of wisdom, we earn it. Every last mistake, if we are paying attention and don't like pain, we will acquire this knowledge of failure. I guess if I go by my own definition, than I am really, really wise. I have made a lot of mistakes, a good portion with my eyes wide open. The problem I see is that when we put human beings up on a pedestal for being more than we are, we are setting ourselves up for disappointment, As well as cutting our "hero" off from the rest of us, leaving them to fend for themselves. Tantrum Over... I need a nap. Irritation is exhausting.

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