Friday, May 23, 2008

Movie Night in the pole barn.

Going to see Indiana Jones with my honey. Babysitter will be here at 4, movie and popcorn at 4:30. Yes, I know it is early but hey, by the time we fork over $25 for babysitting, pay for the tickets, buy snacks, it's a pretty good slice of cake. The only thing we are not too fond of is the actual theater. We are so spoiled. When we lived in Phoenix the ushers wore jackets and ties. There were 26 screens, you could buy tickets on line. It was our paradise. Now that we live in Ken-tucky (for us northerners) or Kan-tuc-key (for the southerners) the theater is in a huge pole barn looking building. Still, we are blown up excited for our date night even if it is in a giant pole barn.

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