Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Gross Mom Stuff

If you have kids, you have weird, gross things that happen all the time. Three days ago, my 12mo old had a little ring like thing on his lower back, two days later it is all over his behind. I did some reading and thought it might be ring worm. I was a little miffed because I am neurotic about changing diapers but I took him to the doctor today and it appears I was right. The prescription was $7, not too bad. What I was amazed to find is that iyou can see a picture of just about any rash, illness or horrible thing that could happen to a person. Today I found the Mercedes of sites that actually made a slide show of ringworm pictures. Now, I ask you. Do you need moving pictures of a skin fungus? I do not, still i thought you might be short on entertainment and want to share in the wealth. Know of any other "interesting" sites? Let me know.

Right On, P



perfectly p said...

I feel so unpopular

Anonymous said...

I have to agree with you. An animated rash sounds nasty!

perfectly p said...

My second comment, Could I be making a comeback?