Thursday, September 3, 2009

crazy woman on campus

I jumped back in the pool of higher education this week and have managed to make a complete fool out of my self in every class. I submit the list for your approval.

1. Music appreciation - on my first quiz I wrote word painting wall- that's right word painting wall, the correct answer would be text painting.

2. Religious studies - My prof was a little disgruntled when I ask for a vocab list from a class I missed last week when she finally decided I had been put in my proper place she gave it to me she said "well it's gonna count as late" I was thinking whatever and thought to myself say nothing, instead I said whatever.

3. Psychology of learning - showed up to a Tuesday night class on thursday

4. Psychology of aging - left my ringer on which played an An All American Rejects. catchy? yes, appropriate - not sure.

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