Sunday, September 20, 2009

All because I vomit

I get sick on a wed, go to primary care, they send me to a gastro specialist in Louisville who orders a cat scan on Thur. I drink copious amounts of I don't know what, have said cat scan. The radiologist says go see a surgeon in like 5.2 minutes and then mentions-I notice you have your tubes tied. This was weird because I don't know him and because it has nothing to do with what is ailing me. I guess it was his way of saying nice shirt only in radiologist lingo. Finally take disc of scan to surgeon and as I try to give it to his nurse she says he doesn't need it he is old school. I wasn't sure what that meant. Old school like I will be biting on a bullet or Old school like he is really hip and rebelling against mainstream culture. That is still a mystery. Bottom line, appendix is out and 12 staples are holding my intestines in their luggage department. However, the orginal reason I kept getting sick is still up for further testing and my appendix coming out was just accidental find. What did you do this week?

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