Friday, December 19, 2008

Time to P

I have enjoyed my semi-vacation from all things electronic. Is it possible to experience internet peer pressure or in my case blog pressure? I think so. So, I have decided to blog once in a while instead of trying to come up with something clever to say. The truth is I'm only amusing in short spurts and sometimes only to myself. So....what is my observation thus far? I don't recall any other president creating his own office. It's like a pretend game of president that a five year old decided to play complete with a podium and presidential elect seal? Really now, what power does he have at this point? We are all just going along with it. My five year old plays like this sometimes, He pretends to be a super hero policeman and we all go along with it -being sent to jail and then rescued all at the same time. That is all.

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