Wednesday, December 31, 2008

God is up to nothing

While on a milk run to wallytown, The title of a book "God is up to something excellent" got my attention. My thought? What if God is up to nothing. What if what is, really is- just is. In my mind, offering people God has a plan as an explanation for anything is trite and dangerous. I like the what is, is- idea. What if we are all here just because of the mechanics of creation that was set in motion? maybe this thought should trouble me but it just doesn't. I am comfortable with my place in the universe. Good things happen to people who don't deserve it and Bad things happen to people who don't deserve it. It just is. I think our "purpose" is to grasp our own humanity and frailty, try to extend the hand of mercy and forgiveness and laugh is much a possible, cry when necessary and keep moving until this part of life is over.

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