Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Running angst and other superior exits

When did superior exits go out of style? This morning I was watching the Waltons (as in good night, John Boy) In this episode, one of the girls ran out of a party to her room. I don't recall ever being so upset that I would run out of a room. I think it would just call attention to a very uncomfortable moment, plus everyone would know you were upset. Then, they would all dialog about the possible reasons you were upset. Perhaps, you weren't upset at all but just like to run from room to room, just think of all the explanations you would have to give. Which would kill your fun as well as slowing the running pace way down. The idea of using running away as a vehicle for emotional expression is not very useful. First, an elevator is out of the question and if you're in a vehicle, you would have to choose your terain and timing very carefully. The slow down would take the edge off the flair and ruin the suprise element plus we all know the dangers of the wild. Consider the creatures of the forest. We would not like them to run through our living room, no matter how mad they were. It's all about mutal respect, my friends. In additon, bears.... they lack empathy and they don't care if your upset. I want to be a part of the solution so I have though of a more productive exit. I suggest that instead of running out of a room, we should just stand and turn circles. It's more attention getting and have you ever tried not laughing while spontaneoulsy spining round and round? Not possible, its a win/ win.


Anonymous said...

"When I spin in circles I don't laugh. I throw-up. Still a good distraction."

perfectly p said...

I'm not sure that vomit makes the cut for a superior exit.