Tuesday, June 17, 2008

What is wrong with me

I woke up at 5:30 this morning. That is not the problem. The baby woke up looking for his pacifier, which we could not find. This annoyed me because I always put extras (as in more than one) back in the basket, next to the crib, next to the nightlight to see the thorns in my side when they are needed- say at 5:30 in the morning. God love the man, but I can not get Craig to sign on to this mysterious program. This is where I lost my mind. I needed to discuss it right then, not in one hour when we would be awake and nice, but right then. After the ridiculous timing of the pacifier debate) I decided to bring up his guitar and music left scattered all over the family room floor-2nd day in a row. I thought I was nice about it, but really at 5:30 in the morning, how nice could I be? This is not my style, usually I just deal with what is- instead of what should be. Having this kind of conversation in the wee hours of dawn is just stupid. I had to call Craig and say sorry (about the timing). What is wrong with me? I'm going to blame it on global warming.

1 comment:

Simplifying me said...

They say timing is everything....I had to laugh. You know when things are stuck in our heads it doesn't matter what time it is. IT MUST BE SAID.
I'm divorced so conversations like those are told to the dog. They don't care either way AND he doesn't leave his music out. Leaves other presents at times, but that's another stinky story.