Monday, June 23, 2008

Full steam ahead.

I'm still looking for a picture I like for my profile. This has caused me quite a bit of stress and I'm not even sure why. It's a picture for pity sake. Will people not read my blog because they don't like my pores? I suppose it's possible. I know where I am headed in the looks department. My great grandmother was full blooded Indian. I've seen it first hand with my own mother and aunts. We don't age well, in fact we kind of end up looking like Johnny Cash, really, we do. The Johnny Cash from his last video. In some sense it takes the worry out of wrinkles I mean if you end up looking like another gender, are wrinkles the worst of your problems? Craig is destined to look like the Al from Toy Story II. He is very handsome now and I'm sure he will be handsome forever, but in all honesty, we will end up looking like interracial transgender gay couple from a pixar film. mmmm tasty.

1 comment:

Simplifying me said...

You must add a picture and I know you look nothing like Johnny Cash. Hey you can always change the picture you choose. I have gone through a variety.
drum roll please.........