Wednesday, January 21, 2009

8 things people don't know about me

Becca on the first hundred posted 33 things people don't know about her. I guess I am just not that fascinating or I tell my business too much either way I could only come up with 8

1. I play the piano very well,
2. I can arrange music, direct a choir and can play just about anything by ear
3. I can't make a pork roast taste the way I want it too, I have given up- but should the pork roast decided to sing a few notes, I can tell you what note it is
4. Can't stand the texture of pears
5. Have never seen ET
6. I have watched the Last of the Mohegans 15 times, P.S. I love you 5
7. Can't stand to have painted finger nails
8. Can't stand to be touched by other people's feet

Big hats and blowing noses

I wouldn't call the swearing in of our president that entertaining. Although I can appreciate the significance of the moment, I can really appreciate the following:

Aretha's Hat- An Aretha present all wrapped up with a pretty bow.

Reporters: Resort to cliche's: A new sheriff in town is but one journalistic gold nugget they used yesterday, but they say it with such flair, they almost make you believe that they just made it up themselves and if it doesn't garner comments from their reporter friends they will used it again, and again. Like a circus monkey waiting for applause.

Flag Hats: I saw quite a few audience members on the lawn with flags stuck to both sides of their hats. Nothing says importance like patriotic paraphernalia glued to the side of a hat.

People will sit for hours and watch other people get in and out of cars and climb up and down the stairs.

The actual swearing in is rather quick and anti-climatic. I wanted tears from someone, I got nothing. I did however get to see George Sr, blow his nose, which pretty looked the same way I blow mine, so again nothing exciting.

Monday, January 12, 2009

That family that pukes together

It's had been almost three years since our last family stomach bug weekend. We took advantage of the cold weather and decided to stay inside and throw-up for a grand total of 26 times between three of us. Please note that this total does not include trips to the bathroom for other unpleasantness. I have determined that the longest distance from point A to B is my bedroom to the bathroom. Last time, the bathroom was right in my bedroom, but not this time. If you are lucky enough to have a master bedroom with a bath attached, I covet your space. Reason number #51 it is time to buy a new house. It is extremely humbling to call your babysitter and ask her to bring over some sprite and Gatorade but as the two adults could not stand up and the five year old doesn't drive, we had no choice. What is worse the five year old has a raging case of strep on top of his stomach bug. He spend the last two weeks getting sick because of strep and the past weekend getting sick from a virus. He has lost 3 pounds which he definitely could not afford to do. I on the other had have managed to purge myself of 5 pounds with I definitely had in savings to spend.

Friday, January 2, 2009

Stop saying that

Happy birthday Jesus
the office of presidential elect - read of previous post, its a staples office podium with a made up seal, sprinkle in some fairy dust and you have a new official office.
Any variation of Obama


porcupine-it's not used that often, and it is fun to say; Think "the office of porcupine elect"

Thank you, sprinklyspackle porcupine