Friday, July 10, 2009

The library cafe, a pool for peeves

Because I don't want to take money out of emergency savings, I am forced to used a computer at the library, which I have avoided. However, today the campus IT room is closed and I had some work to do-so I am here, at the library, sharing space with people who like to ignore the social norms most of us cling too. Okay, look left, the gal next to me is using her gum as a means of Morse code and I am assuming the really loud pop at the end would be the period at the end of a sentence. Should I tell her the cold war ended? In front of me I have your every day run of the mill cell phone whisper geni. The person who thinks that by whispering really loudly has indeed complied with the no cell phone use, I think his cousin was in the IT lab last week. Pen clicker is two desks down and heavy breather is four down. Oh and our regional porn dude is here. Don't confuse him with the heavy breather that are two different folks. they don't sit next So, I am paying the sitter to take a dive in the pool of peeves. I am reconsidering my definition of emergency and perhaps we will be going to best buy this weekend.

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