Thursday, April 16, 2009

Meet the spectacle of the day-Susan Boyle

Susan Boyle, I think this story is awful. Oh everyone is talking about it under the guise of she has a great voice but the reality of it is that people are saying that Susan, in the package she was born in, is totally unacceptable and how much they are taken back by her voice, basically an ugly candy with a nice beautiful center. How much is damage is being done to this woman with all the air time discussions? The focus is now removed from her voice. Blogs a blazin' ,talking about not judging the standard book by it's cover. They are in a sense saying, hey you- British girl, you are ugly and we are surprised you could do that. As if talent can only come in a certain form. Why isn't the discussion about her talent? So, we as a society have learned how to take a really great moment and throw rocks at it. The arrogance we show in declaring a person's value is amazing. Let's be honest, we are turning this woman's proud moment into a freak show. In the end, I think it will be interesting to see what happens to her music career. Will she be given the opportunity to use her obvious gift? It doesn't look promising- but then again isn't that what started this whole business?

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